How to unpack after a camping trip and do those important after camping chores.

You've arrived at home after a great weekend of camping! Let's show you how to unpack before sitting down in front of the TV to relax.

These how to unpack steps will help make sure the next camping trip is another good one: 

Chore #1 If any camping items such as: tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, got wet…..unpack those items immediately and hang them up to dry. There is nothing worse than mold and mildew on your equipment and they are much easier to prevent than get rid of.

It's best to take the sleeping bag out of the bag/compression sack when not traveling and store it loosely in a large cloth bag. It keeps the sleeping bag in nice condition!

Chore #2 If a cooler or water jug was used….rinse those out with water. The garden hose is easiest for that and if something spilled in the cooler then scrub it with soap.

Let those items dry by tipping them upside down. When storing those items be sure to prop open the lids or leave them open. Otherwise, they begin to small funny!

By following any one of these, how to unpack steps, will spare some hassle down the road!

Chore #3 It's best put those dirty, campfire smoky clothes in the laundry right away. Throw any of the dish rags or towels in there as well.

(If you have kids, empty the rock collection out of the pockets before putting those clothes in the washing machine.)

Chore #4 One more important thing! Make a note, (check off) any items that are broken or missing on your camping checklist.

I started to do this because I found myself taking the same flashlight camping with dead batteries three weekends on a row.

If any tent or canopy stakes are missing, be sure to replace them before the next trip.

Think of camping equipment as being very valuable and a hassle to replace. It hardly takes any time at all to keep it in great shape.

I’ve been using most of the same camping items for more than 20 years!

I found out the hard way too that, like other valuable belongings, don’t loan camping stuff to others. One time I let an acquaintance use my tent for a weekend trip. It got wet and muddy with leaves and grass stuck all over it. He kept it rolled up for three weeks before he handed it back. I told him to keep it. It was only a $60 Dome Tent, but my shelter was ruined!

Remember, your camping equipment will last for many years if you take good care of it. Hope the tips in this, how to unpack section, are useful.

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